All programs at the Kent County Community Center require a Facility Access Card for patrons twelve (12) years of age and older. To mail–in or drop off a registration form, please download the registration form here. (unless there is a registration form listed with a specific activity)

To ensure all patrons have an ejoyable experience the following is expected and required of all patrons:

- For safety reasons, children under the age of 12 are not permitted entry into the room.

- The use of offensive or profane language will not be tolerated and is grounds for immediated ejection and loss of preivileges.

- Please use only one piece of equipment at a time.

- Please do not stare at, crowd, or touch others.

- Please use proper technique and know your body's limits to avoid injury.

- Please do not interrupt others' goals and use of the facility by engaging in lengthy conversation.

- Please keep personal items clear of others' way.

- If you must talk on your phone, please step out of the room until the call is over.

- Please wipe equipment and return to its original location after each use.

Call 410-778-1948 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.